Allen County is divided into precincts for voting. You are assigned a precinct based on your residence (street name, house number and zip code.) If you move, you must update your residence address with Voter Registration so you will be assigned to the correct precinct.
Where do I vote on Election Day?
On Election Day, you must cast your ballot at the voting location assigned to your precinct between the hours of 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM. The Election Board sends a postcard to homes with registered voters before each election to inform voters about their voting locations. However, it is always a good practice to double check your personal registration information to verify your registered address, assigned precinct and voting location. You can get this information from Allen County Election Board website or by calling Voter Registration at 260-449-7154.
Will I need an ID to vote? Yes. All voters in Indiana must present a photo ID at the voting location before being allowed to vote a regular ballot. Acceptable ID must:
Some acceptable forms include the Indiana Driver’s license or ID card, some state university IDs, Military IDs, or US Passport.
Exception: A voter who votes in person at a voting location located at a state licensed care facility who resides and is registered to vote at that facility is not required to provide proof of ID.
Voters who do not provide a valid photo ID will still be able to vote a provisional ballot.*
How do I mark my ballot? Instructions for marking and casting your ballot are posted in each voting location. You can also review this video for instructions on how to vote on the Infinity Voting Machine. The poll workers can also answer questions about how the machines work, but not about specific questions or candidates on the ballot.
May I receive assistance in voting? A voter with a disability or who is unable to read or write English may designate anyone to assist them, including a relative or friend, except for a voter’s employer or their union officer or representative. A voter may also be assisted by two poll workers (each of a different political party.) An affidavit must be completed BEFORE entering the booth to assist the voter. No one who assists a voter may disclose information about how that person voted.
Your voting location will have at least one booth and voting panel that have been designated for ADA use. These booths have shorter legs with leg extenders that make them more accessible to a person seated in a wheelchair. Machines designated for ADA use will have “Double Talk” hardware which will assist visually impaired voters to hear the ballot through headphones.
*What is a provisional ballot? A provisional ballot is used to record a vote if a voter’s eligibility to vote is in question and the voter would otherwise not be permitted to vote at their voting location. The content of a provisional ballot is no different from a regular ballot, but it is cast “provisionally” until election officials can verify the voter’s eligibility to vote in that precinct at that election. All validly cast provisional ballots are counted in the official results in each election.
Paid for by the Allen County Republican Party, Steven R. Shine, Chairman